2018. október 1., hétfő

Cikk az adriai sallangvirág élőhely-preferenciájáról

Bódis Judit első szerzőségével megjelent a Himantoglossum adriaticum élőhely-preferenciájáról írt cikkünk a Tuexenia című folyóiratban.

A közlemény letölthető innen.

Himantoglossum adriaticum is a rare and in many countries endangered orchid species. It grows on calcareous soils in natural and semi-natural, dry and mesophilic grasslands or open woodlands and is restricted to a small region along the Adriatic coast and within Central and Southeastern Europe. We compiled phytosociological relevés (n = 84) covering the whole distribution range to investigate its habitat preferences and collected soil samples from 41 relevés to determine various soil parameters. We then used a phytocoenological approach and ecological indicator values to characterize the vegetation.
Our study revealed that H. adriaticum is growing in two major habitat types, significantly differing in herb and shrub cover. Beside its preference for semi-natural grasslands, H. adriaticum occurs in man-made secondary habitats, such as the roadsides and temporary habitats during secondary succesion after land-use abandonment. Himantoglossum adriaticum is most frequently growing in grasslands which can be characterized as the secondary succession state of the Festuco-Brometea vegetation class. Based on these findings, we developed mean indicator values for H. adriaticum, which were missing for its whole distribution range.

Bódis J., Biró É., Nagy T., Takács A., Molnár V. A. & Lukács B. A. (2018): Habitat preferences of the rare lizard-orchid Himantoglossum adriaticum H. Baumann. – Tuexenia 38: 329–345.

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