A Debreceni Egyetem Evolúciós
Állattani és Humánbiológiai Tanszéke
„When phylogeny and geography meet conservation”
címmel szimpóziumot szervez 2014.
aug. 29-30-án.
A szimpózium célja az, hogy
bemutassuk és megismerjük a hazai kutatócsoportok valamint néhány neves
külföldi tudományos műhely eredményeit a természetvédelmi genetika, a
filogeográfia és a filogenetika területén. A meghívott előadók között szerepel
M. Bruford (UK), N. Wahlberg (Finnország), T. Schmitt (Németország) és G. Neve
(Franciaország). A szimpóziumon célközönségeként PhD és MSc hallgatókra, fiatal
kutatókra és természetvédelemben aktívan dolgozó munkatársakra számítunk.
Helyszín: Debreceni
Épület Fszt. 3-4-es előadó
A program:
08 29 Friday
Morning session I
8.30-9.30 Registration
9.30-9.40 Ákos Pintér (Dean of the Faculty of Science and
9.40-9.50 Zoltán Barta (Head of the Department of
Evolutionary Zoology)
9.50-10.25 Michael Bruford: Phylogeography of Large
African Mammals: are we near to a continent-wide paradigm?
10.25-11.20 Coffee break
Morning session II
11.20-11.55 Rudi Verovnik: Asellus aquaticus - model
organism for study of phylogeography, ecological speciation and parallel
11.55-12.15 Krisztián Szabó: Natal dispersal of eastern
imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca) in the Carpathian Basin.
12.15-12.35 Zsolt Végvári: Temporal patterns in
diversity, population size and voltinism in Noctuid moths (Noctuidae).
12.35-12.55 Gábor Sramkó: A preliminary look into the
genetic diversity of Carpatho-Pannonian steppic species - poor westernmost
outpost of the Eurasian steppes?
Lunch break
Afternoon session I
14.00-14.35 Lajos Rózsa: Shifting bushmeat consumption
and the rise of Armillifer grandis (Crustacea: Pentastomida) infections
in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
14.35-14.55 Judit Vörös: Conservation genetics of the olm
(Proteus anguinus) in Croatia.
14.55-15.15 Péter Takács: Population genetic patterns of
a vulnerable, stagnophilic fish species (Umbra krameri Walbaum. 1792) in Hungary.
15.15-16.20 Coffee break
Afternoon session II
16.20-16.55 Emese Meglécz: Microsatellite evolution at a
genome scale
and implications on genetic marker development.
16.55-17.15 Edina Nemesházi: Individual identification of
white-tailed eagles,
based on microsatellite loci.
17.15-17.35 András Kosztolányi: Breeding behaviour in a
biparental beetle.
17.35-17.55 Rita Rácz: Microsatellite markers in the
survey of Lethrus apterus
08 30 Saturday
Morning session I
9.00-9.35 Niklas Wahlberg: The wings of butterflies:
active movements through time and space.
9.35-9.55 János P. Tóth: How improvement of scientific
methods could change our thinking on the same question? A historical overview.
9.55-10.15 Judit Bereczki: The pattern of Wolbachia
infestation in the social parasitic Maculinea butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
10.15-11.00 Coffee break
Morning session II
11.00-11.35 Gabriel Neve: Identification of Conservation
Units: cases studies in Lepidoptera and Crustacea.
11.35-11.55 Katalin Pecsenye: Conservation units of Parnassius
mnemosyne in the Carpathian Basin.
11.55-12.15 Péter Takács: Population genetic patterns
of an endemic fish species (Umbra krameri Walbaum. 1792) in Hungary.
12.15-14.00 Lunch break
14.00-14.35 Thomas Schmitt: Known centres and new
borders: The biogeography of the odonates of Eurasia.
14.35-14.55 Edit Juhász: Contrasting climatic
responsiveness of wing and genital characters in the Heath Fritillary (Melitaea
athalia, Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae).
14.55-15.15 András Tartally: The re-discovered Maculinea
rebeli: Host ant usage, parasitoid and initial food plant around the type
locality (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae).
15.15-16.00 Coffee break
Afternoon session II
16.00-16.20 László Ronkay: The Himalayan winter Noctuidae
fauna and its biogeographic importance.
16.20-16.55 Zoltán Varga: Outline of Faunal History of
Southeastern Central Europe:a Synthesis of Palaeoecology and Phylogeography.
Greeting Zoltán Varga on the occasion of his 75th birthday.
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