2018. január 26., péntek

A lappföldi ujjaskosbor előfordulása Romániában

Megjelent a Dactylorhiza lapponica romániai előfordulásáról szóló beszámolónk a Marcin Nobis által szerkesztett ’Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records’ című cikksorozat 7. részében, a Botany Letters című folyóiratban.

A fajt Kiskalota határában (Kolozs megye) találtuk Óvári Miklóssal 2015-ben. Az általunk megtalált termőhelyen a faj jelentős egyedszámú állományát találtuk, olyan kísérőfajokkal mint Angelica sylvestris, Briza media, Calluna vulgaris, Carex panicea, Carex stellulata, Dactylorhiza cordigera, Dactylorhiza maculata, Epipactis palustris, Filipendula ulmaria, Genistella saggitalis, Gymnadenia conopsea, Holcus lanatus, Neottia ovata, Luzula campestris, Parnassia palustris, Plantago lanceolata, Platanthera bifolia, Polygala comosa, Potentilla erecta. Salix repens, Rosa pendulina, Scirpus sylvaticus, Trifolium pratense, Trollius europaeus, Veratrum album.

A MTM Növénytárában található két herbáriumi lap tanúsága szerint a növényt Jeney Endre és Pázmány Dénes 1956. augusztus 23-án már gyűjtötték a Gyalui-havasokban (A BP 684168 számú lapot ’Orchis morio’-ként, a BP 684402 ’Orchis sambucina’-ként azonosították).
Nobis M., Domina G., Meço M., Mullaj A., Bazan G., Ebel A. L., Király G., Erst A., Nowak A., Sukhorukov A. P., Pospelova E. B., Pospelov I. N., Vasjukov V. M., Piwowarczyk R., Seregin A. P., Király A., Kushunina M., Liu B., Molnár V. A., Olonova M., Óvári M., Paszko B., You-Sheng Ch., Verkhozina A. V., Zykova E. Y., Klichowska E., Nobis A., Wróbel A., Aydın Z. U., Dönmez A. A., Garakhani P., Koopman J., Korolyuk A., Oklejewicz K., Qasimova T., Wang W., Więcław H., Wolanin M. & Xiang K. (2018): Contribution to the flora of Asian and European countries: new national and regional vascular plant records, 7. – Botany Letters Doi 10.1080/23818107.2017.1415817
Dactylorhiza lapponica (Laest. ex Hartm.) Soó in flora of Romania
Attila Molnár V. & Miklós Óvári
Distribution and habitat
Known distribution area of Dactylorhiza lapponica covers northern Europe, Alps and northern Carpathians (Vlčko et al. 2003, Delforge 2006). Presence of the species in some Central European countries was detected only during last decades, e.g. Austria and Switzerland (Reinhard 1985), Germany (Gallerach & Wucherpfennig 1987), France , (Amardeilh 1997), Slovakia, (Vlčko 1995) and Hungary (Dítě et al. 2006). Dactylorhiza lapponica grows in in low-herbs communities of springs and fens, and along mountain streams (Dítě et al. 2006). The species occurs from lowlands to alpine altitudinal zone (Delforge 2006). Occurrence of D. lapponica in Romanian was so far unknown. Overlooked herbarium sheets collected 50 years ago together with a newly found locality, represent the most south-eastern known population of the species. The habitat of newly found locality near Călăţele is characterised by sligtly acidic soil (pH 6.0), with high (15.4%) organic matter content and very low carbonate (< 0.05%), phosphorous (60 mg/kg), potassium (174 mg/kg) and nitrogen (58.8 mg/kg) content.
Taxonomic notes
Dactylorhiza lapponica belongs to the allotetraploid complex Dactylorhiza majalis s. l. (Aagard et al. 2005). The members of this complex were originated as results of repeated hybridization events between the diploid taxa Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.) Soó and Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soó (Hedrén 1996, Devos et al. 2003). Main distinction characters from morphologically most similar D. majalis (Rchb.) P.F.Hunt & Summerh. are. as folows: lower (10–40 cm versus 20–90 cm high) flowering stem, fewer (2–5 versus 4–10) and narrower (3–25 mm versus 15–35 mm width) leaves, fewer (3–20 versus 10–60) flowers and shorter (20–70 mm versus 20–160 mm long) inflorescence.
Examined specimens (new records)
ROMANIA: Jud. Cluj, Munţii Giláului, Băişoara, “In loco paludoso, montis “Öreg Havas” montium “Gyalui Havas”. Alt. cca. 1600 m super mare. Prope pagum Kisbánya, comitatis Kolozs.”, 23 August 1956, D. Pázmány & E. Jeney, asOrchis morio L. ?”, rev.: A. Molnár V. as ’D. lapponica (Laest. ex Hartm.) Soó’ (BP 684168). An another herbarium sheet (BP 684402) collected on the same locality, at same date, originally identified as: “Orchis sambucina L.”, rev: A. Molnár V. as ’D. lapponica (Laest. ex Hartm.) Soó’; Jud. Cluj, near Călăţele (46.72654° N, 23.03298° E, 948 m alt.), wet hey meadows, 11 June 2015, A Molnár V. & M. Óvári (DE).
Aagaard, S. M. D., Såstad, S. M., Greilhuber, J., and Moen, A. 2005. “A secondary hybrid zone between diploid Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. cruenta and allotetraploid D. lapponica (Orchidaceae).” Heredity 94: 488–496.
Amardeilh, J. P. 1997. “Orchidee nouvelle pour la France Dactylorhiza lapponica (Laestad.) Soó en Savoie [A new orchid to France: Dactylorhiza lapponica (Laestad.) Soó in Savoie].” L’Orchidophile 28: 55–58.
Delforge, P. 2006. Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. London: Christopher Helm.
Devos, N., Tyteca, D., Raspé, O., Wesselingh, R. A. and Jacquemart, A.-L. 2003. „Patterns of chloroplast diversity among western European Dactylorhiza species (Orchidaceae).” – Plant Systematics and Evolution 243: 85–97.
Dítě, D., Eliáš, P. and Király, G. 2006. „Dactylorhiza lapponica (Laest. ex Hartm.) Soó, a new taxon for Hungary.” Flora Pannonica 4: 91–97.
Gallerach, A. and Wucherpfennig, W. 1987. „Dactylorhiza lapponica: Erstnachweis für Deutschland [Dactylorhiza lapponica: new to Germany].” Die Orchidee 38: 306–307.
Hedrén, M. 1996. “Genetic differentiation, polyploidization and hybridization in northern European Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae): evidence from allozyme markers.” Plant Systematics and Evolution 201: 31–55.
Reinhard, H. R. 1985. “Skandinavische und alpine Dactylorhiza-Arten. [Scandinavian and alpine Dactylorhiza species.]” Journal Europäischer Orchideen 17: 321–416.
Vlčko, J. 1995. „Dactylorhiza lapponica (Laest. ex Rchb. fil.) Soó, a new species of the Slovak flora.” Biologia 50: 331–332.
Vlčko J., Dítě D. and Kolník M. 2003. Vstavačovité Slovenska. Orchids of Slovakia. Zvolen: ZO SZOPK Orchidea.

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