Megjelent online a No evidence for historical declines
in pollination success in Hungarian orchids című cikkünk (szerzők: Molnár
V. A., Löki V., Takács A., Schmidt J., Tökölyi J., Bódis J., Sramkó G.) az’Applied
Ecology and Environmental Research’ című folyóiratban.
A teljes
cikk letölthető innen.
Pollination crisis (the decline of pollinator
populations) is a global phenomenon which threatens biodiversity, human welfare
and economy. The degree to which different plant populations/species are
affected by pollination crisis is still unclear. In this study, long-term
herbarium dataset was used to quantify the reproduction rate of Hungarian
orchids between 1853 and 2008. We quantified fruit-set rate of 663 specimens
belonging to 27 species. Data were available from an average of 10.3±9.3 localities,
76.5±43.2 years, and 23.4±25.6 specimens per species. Herbarium data were
validated with field-observed data in case of the different pollination
strategies. According to our results, the reproductive success of the vast
majority of orchid species has not changed during time and pollination crisis
is not apparent in Hungary at least until the end of the 20th century.